Having the Power to do good means: Conquering Depression

 Our God wants us to live a productive life, demonstrating simple acts of kindness. Every problem in this world is caused by selfishness.

For example the ex-footballer Gary Speed and senior national Welsh manager had everything going for him. Though. it may have been a dreadful meeting that may have led to his death. Money, talent or fame is not the answer for celebrities, especially in time of need. It would have been so different if a great individual like Gary Speed was to meet a Christian who was genuine with the goodness of God coming through them. As a human being, someone like Gary was more than likely devastated by the lack of praise they received. It could have been so different if he had met a Christian with that good news. This would have told him that no matter what people may say to you, Christ the living God loves you if only you give your heart to Him.

An extract from the book “Words Pressed: A Short Biography” (Available on Amazon)
Jennifer Valentine (2012)