Prevalence of menstrual pain in young women: is preventing sports from being first choice


12 Foods which provides support leading up to and during menstral cycle.

Vitamin B6 helps reduce water retention


Evidence suggests that bananas help reduce cramps associated with menstruation. In addition to being a rich food source of anti-cramping nutrients such as vitamin B6, bananas are loaded with potassium which helps reduce water retention.

Wheat Germ
Wheat germ may be one of the best foods you can include in your diet if you suffer from menstrual cramps. Try adding wheat germ to breads, cereals, muesli, milk shakes, or pancakes — it makes a highly nutritious addition.

Sunflower Seeds
Sunflower seeds are an excellent addition to your diet if you suffer from menstrual cramps. These mild nutty tasting seeds are loaded with vitamin E as well as the key anti-cramping minerals zinc and magnesium. Sunflower seeds are also an excellent source of pyridoxine (vitamin B6), with one cup providing nearly a third of the recommended daily intake for this important pain relieving vitamin. When incorporating sunflower seeds into your diet, moderation should be exercised because these seeds, like most other seeds, are high in calories and fat.

This often under-appreciated vegetable is much more than just a decorative garnish that accompanies meals in restaurants. It is loaded with important nutrients, and it can be used to treat various health problems, including menstrual cramps.

Turbo-charge your an:ti-cramp diet by regularly eating pineapple. Pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme that is thought to help relax muscles and thus help with menstrual cramps.

Fenugreek Seeds
This is an Asian product. These little seeds with a pungent-sweet flavour popular remedy for menstrual pain. They are available whole or in powder form in most grocery stores. It is advisable to buy whole seeds which can be grind down into a powder form so that it can be sprinkled into your food.

Ginger has been enjoyed throughout the ages for its aromatic, pungent flavour and its health promoting properties. In traditional Chinese medicine, ginger has been widely used as a remedy for menstrual cramps. A large body of anecdotal evidence from around the world validates the use of ginger as an anti-cramping remedy.

Consuming walnuts in moderation can confer great benefits to women who suffer from cramps during menstruation. Walnuts are rich in the healthy omega-3 fatty acids which are known to have anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties

Sesame Seeds
When it comes to foods that help ward off menstrual cramps, it’s hard to beat the sesame seed. Sesame seeds are loaded with nutrients that have been shown to reduce cramps associated with menstruation.

The nutritional profile of spinach makes it an excellent health food and an important vegetable. It provides an ample supply of many nutrients that have been shown to fight menstrual cramps, including vitamin E, vitamin B6, and magnesium.

Eating a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast is a great way to start a day off right. Oats are loaded with the anti-cramping mineral magnesium They are also one of the best sources of dietary zinc for women who suffer from painful periods.

Most of the nutritional and benefits of kale are well known today, but what many people don’t know is that this green leafy vegetable is one of the best plant-based sources of calcium Anecdotal evidence, as well as an increasing number of scientific studies, suggest that calcium can alleviate menstrual cramps. However, the exact mechanisms by which calcium reduces cramping are not fully understood. Some experts believe that calcium’s ability to alleviate pain associated with menstruation could be related to the role of this important mineral in maintaining normal muscle tone. When buying kale for a bowl of salad, it is advisable to choose organically grown produce whenever possible. According to research, conventionally grown kale is among the most contaminated vegetables in terms of pesticide and chemical content.

DO NOT FORGET TO DRINK WATER (alongside gentle exercise)
Stay hydrated! Drinking glasses of water daily will help reduce bloating. While you’re at it, stay away from sugary and salty foods/drinks during your period menstruation.